dtd file...

Egbert Eich eich at pdx.freedesktop.org
Tue Mar 23 07:28:42 PST 2004

Jim Gettys writes:
 > Ugh...  I'm not sure we've ever imported the XFree86 doctools
 > module...  Are there other modules we should import as well?
 > [jg at laptop sgml]$ locate .dtd|grep -i xfree
 > /home/x-cvs/doctools/linuxdoc/xfree86.dtd,v
 > /home/x-cvs/doctools/linuxdoc/Attic/xfree86tr.dtd,v

These don't belong to the X product of XFree86 but are only
files required for the new doc standard of XFree86.
I expect Xorg wants its own dtd and style sheets.


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