[SCIM] Can anyone revise my doc for newbies?

Nicolás Velásquez O. spidyno at yahoo.es
Mon Jul 19 08:42:41 PDT 2004

Hello there,

First of all, thank you for the info.

As you say in the page, I edited /etc/scim/global, and 
added /SupportedUnicodeLocales = en_US.UTF-8,es_CO.UTF-8. Then on a 
bash I run:
/usr/local/bin/scim -d
export GTK_IM_MODULE=scim
export XIM_PROGRAM="scim -d"
export XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM"

When I open kwrite or any other kde app Japanese works nice.

The problem is: The Spanish accents stop working.

Is there something I can do about it??

By the way my LANG and LC_ALL are es_CO.UTF-8.

El Lun 19 Jul 2004 08:35, Yukiko Bando escribió:

> Hi,
> I made a page for people who use SCIM or UIM for the first time in
> Mandrakelinux 10.1.
> http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~apricots/mandrake/miniguide.html
> I didn't go into technical details (as I don't understand myself),
> but I would appreciate it if someone can read it and correct
> misunderstandings or weird expressions, if any.
> Thank you
> Yukiko
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Nicolás Velásquez
Bogotá, Colombia

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