[Spice-devel] network abi changes in master

Alexander Larsson alexl at redhat.com
Wed Jun 23 07:38:04 PDT 2010

I commited the initial round of simple network protocol changes to git
master (for the new protocol, not for 0.4 compat):

* All pointers/offsets are now 32bit
* We don't send any "padding" data for clips and brushes (e.g. we send
nothing if these are not used where we used to send the length of the
corresponding union even if not used).
* Removed all existing checks for minor version as we reset the minor to
zero and bumped major

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       alexl at redhat.com            alexander.larsson at gmail.com 
He's an old-fashioned arachnophobic matador with nothing left to lose. She's a 
time-travelling goth magician's assistant prone to fits of savage, 
blood-crazed rage. They fight crime! 

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