[Spice-devel] RFC: HowTo setup a spice live migration test setup

Gerd Hoffmann kraxel at redhat.com
Wed Sep 1 06:09:26 PDT 2010


> 5. Migrating the vm to the other hypervisor
> -------------------------------------------
> To migrate the vm to the other hypervisor, you first need to start
> a vm on the other hypervisor ready to receive the vm state info from
> the running vm. Use the exact same qemu cmdline as you used to start
> the original (source) vm and add "-incoming tcp:0:4444" at the end
> of the cmdline.

Note 1:  I'm using a nfs directory where vm configuration and some 
helper scripts are stored.  This way I can easily make sure qemu is 
started with the same set of command line options on both sides.

Otherwise my migration test setup looks pretty simliar to yours (also 
using iscsi as storage).

Note 2:  A subset of migration can easily be tested on a single machine 
by "migrating" to a file.  To save your vm use

     migrate exec:cat>/path/to/savevm.file

in the monitor and to load it add

    -incoming "exec:cat /path/to/savevm.file"

to your qemu command line.

  * Needs less hardware.
  * Easier to setup.
  * Easier to script.

  * Can't test everything.


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