[Spice-devel] USB Printer support

Antonio Perez-Aranda aperezaranda at yaco.es
Wed Oct 5 09:09:50 PDT 2011

Can connect a linux client (spicy) with Virtualized Windows / Linux to
a office printer?

We have developping a infraestructure with SPICE where the clients are
very far from CPD.

Maybe with a CUPS remote can be posible, although I ask for a usbredir
or similar.
Antonio Pérez-Aranda Alcaide
aperezaranda at yaco.es

Yaco Sistemas S.L.
C/ Rioja 5, 41001 Sevilla
Teléfono +34 954 50 00 57
Fax      +34 954 50 09 29

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