[Spice-devel] windows xp guest hangs when trying to install vioser.inf

Christophe Fergeau cfergeau at redhat.com
Mon Feb 18 04:10:49 PST 2013

Hey Eric,

On Thu, Feb 07, 2013 at 04:21:47PM -0700, Eric Blake wrote:
> I'd
> really like to get Spice working to share the clipboard from my VM to my
> host machine.  My understanding is that I need the virtio serial driver
> installed in order to get maximum benefit from spice.

Yes, you need the virtio serial driver and then you need to install the
SPICE agent to get copy and paste to work (the agent uses vioserial for
its communication).

> However, every time I try to install the vioser driver, my guest hangs.
>  I'm getting annoyed by Windows offering to install a driver for a new
> PCI Simple Communications Controller device that it detects every time I
> boot, yet every time I've tried installing the driver from
> virtio-win-0.1-52.iso (Jan 2013), and hand-browsing to
> d:\wxp\x86\vioser.inf instead of letting windows pick the best one, the
> install process reliably hangs at the point where it is copying
> WdfCoInstaller01009.dll to c:\WINDOWS\system32.  When it hangs, the
> guest is non-responsive, and virt-manager says that qemu is using 100%
> cpu.

Ah, this is bad news :( It's not the first time such issues are reported
with the vioserial driver unfortunately, so what you are hitting is
probably a bug in the driver. Maybe you can try qemu as shipped with
Fedora18 instead of the one from fedora-virt-preview, I think I've already
seen such bugs come and go as qemu was upgraded.

> Let me know if you need the entire guest xml, or what additional
> debugging steps I can perform to assist you in helping me.

I unfortunately don't have useful tips to help debug this further :-/
By the way, if you don't want to manually install everything that is needed
to get c&p working, there's an all-in-one installer which takes care of
installing all the virtio drivers as well as the qxl drivers and the SPICE
agent at
This is based on an older release of the virtio-win drivers (0.49) so maybe
you'll have better luck with this vioserial driver?

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