[Spice-devel] IE 10 support - anyone know a clever way to do dynamic cursor support?

Jeremy White jwhite at codeweavers.com
Thu Mar 7 07:18:20 PST 2013

I'm working on supporting IE 10 in the spice-html5 client.

It requires a workaround for missing ArrayBuffer.slice(), but that's
pretty straightforward.

The issue I'm stuck on is that it appears to not allow data: uris for
cursor elements.  This stack overflow thread describes the issue:


And this jsfiddle shows the problem precisely:
(works great in all browsers but IE10).

I'm faced with emulating a cursor with a moving image (blech), or having
prepopulated cursor images, which requires knowing ahead of time
what all the cursors will be.

I realize it's a long shot, but I thought I'd throw it out there and see
if anyone has a clue bat.



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