[Spice-devel] How to build virt-viewer for windows from a fedora mingw64 cross-compiler environment supports usb redirection

张在兴 zhangzaixing1905 at 163.com
Wed May 29 00:28:45 PDT 2013

Dear all,
Sorry, my English is poor.
I got the latest binaries virt-viewer-x64-0.5.6.msi from http://spice-space.org/download.html
I want to know whether it supports usb redirection,my operating system is windows7 64bit.

I have made one working mingw64 cross-compiler environment on my fedora 17.

Compile spice-gtk

	mingw64-configure --without-sasl --with-audio=gstreamer --with-coroutine=winfiber --disable-smartcard --without-python  --disable-usbredir  --disable-gtk-doc  --disable-werror  --enable-static  --enable-shared  --with-gtk=2.0
	mingw64-make install
	But when I change '--disable-usbredir' to '--enable-usbredir=yes',need compile usbredir-0.4.4.tar.bz2,I met a lot of mistakes.

Compile virt-viewer
	mingw64-make install

So,I want to know the way Cross-compiler libusbredir for my windows7 64bit on fedora 17.


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