<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><a href="http://www.noss123.com/">http://www.noss123.com/</a></p>
<br><span class="t11Copy"><strong>Number One Success System</strong> is a private association of consenting individuals
                         18 years of age and above who willingly and knowingly have come together
                         for charitable purposes. Participants have chosen to exercise their
                         right to freely give to others who have joined with the same purpose
                         and understanding.</span><b><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br></span>Highest and Best Use</b> is a term of art in the appraisal process. It is a process to
determine the use of the property which produces the highest value for
the land, as if vacant. There are four steps to the process. First, the
appraiser determines all uses which are legally permissible for the
property. Second, of the uses which are legally permissible, which ones
are physically possible. Of those, which ones are financially feasible
(sometimes referred to as <i>economically supported</i>) Of those uses
which are feasible, which one and only use is maximally productive for
the site. In a simple context, the appraiser must do this twice,
comparing the results -- as if the land is vacant and in the
as-is-improved state, taking into account the costs of demolishing any
existing improvements. The outcome of this process is the highest and
best use for the site. An appraisal of market value must explicitly
assume that the owner or buyer would employ the property in its highest
and best use, and therefore value the site accordingly.
In more complex appraisal assignments (e.g. -- contract disputes,
litigation, brownfield or contaminated property valuation), the
determination of highest and best use may be much more complex, and may
need to take into account the various intermediate or temporary uses of
the site, the contamination remediation process, and the timing of
various legal issues.