[Swfdec] Using swfplay to play youtube swf file.

Benjamin Otte otte at gnome.org
Wed Sep 17 13:40:46 PDT 2008


I usually use the simple links like
http://www.youtube.com/v/NHrnuclAt2M and those work fine.
However, there is a lot of stuff that an go wrong if you download the
video file and try to play it locally instead of inside the page it
comes from, such as:
- relative links not working
- interaction with the browser not working (cookies etc)
So while it often works, there's not guarantee that it will.
FWIW, the link you gave doesn't work in Adobe's player either.


On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 10:32 PM, ying lcs <yinglcs at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use the standalone 'swfplay' to play the youtube swf file.
> The swf file is this.
> <embed height="385" width="480"
> flashvars="usef=0&amp;vq=null&amp;video_id=NHrnuclAt2M&amp;l=129&amp;sk=QeerxvTN5emrjrtuecUuqTvKHzc3NtRZC&amp;fmt_map=&amp;t=OEgsToPDskLYRf8kUlIh2FCNYSArowTR&amp;hl=en&amp;plid=AARXHGk5E0EYONVwAAAAgAAgQAA&amp;playnext=0&amp;enablejsapi=1"
> allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" quality="high"
> bgcolor="#FFFFFF" name="movie_player" id="movie_player" style=""
> src="http://s.ytimg.com/yt/swf/watch-vfl55589.swf"
> type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/>
> so i did a 'Save as' and store the 'watch-vfl55589.swf ' and play the
> file like this:
> ./swfplay file:///home/yinglcs/Desktop/youtube2_files/watch-vfl55589.swf
> --variables="usef=0&amp;vq=null&amp;video_id=NHrnuclAt2M&amp;l=129&amp;sk=QeerxvTN5emrjrtuecUuqTvKHzc3NtRZC&amp;fmt_map=&amp;t=OEgsToPDskLYRf8kUlIh2FCNYSArowTR&amp;hl=en&amp;plid=AARXHGk5E0EYONVwAAAAgAAgQAA&amp;playnext=0&amp;enablejsapi=1"
> but no video is played. Can you please tell me how I can play 'Youtube'?
> Thank you.
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