[Swfdec] can not find examples online

Ivaylo Strandjev istrandjev at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 06:35:51 PDT 2009

I have been struggling to get swfdec player work for some weeks but I
couldn't find any examples online to help me. I already wrote I flash
player that plays swf file from the local file system but I still can
not open flash movies online. I read through the posts in this mailing
list for some years ago and found a post where it is said that I need
to create my own loader that swfdec_stream_push -es its data but I
find the documentation on those classes rather vague and there are no
examples available.
Also i tried the example that is on swfdec wiki but it still does not
open online url-s. After some debugging I found out that it enters the
if (next < 0)
    /* not a flash file */
    fprintf(stderr,"this is not a flash file!\n");
    return 0;
part. So even this example can not open online .swf files even though
it says to be capable of. I am trying to build my application on linux
32/64 mac 32/64 and win 32/64 but the main platform i try it on is
kubuntu 9.0.4 @ 64bit
I would appreciate any help and some examples. Thank you for your time.
Best regards,

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