[systemd-devel] crosscompiling systemd-4

Stephan Raue mailinglists at openelec.tv
Sun Jul 25 21:24:55 PDT 2010


i am try to crosscompile systemd, but it fails if gernerating 
org.freedesktop.systemd1.*.xml files, because the crosscompiled systemd 
binary cant run on host.

is there another way to generate the *.xml files?

maybe it is possible if i compile systemd twice, one for host, one for 
target, but then i also must install all dependecies twice, one time for 
host and one time for target. i dont know if this is possible, but maybe 
an cleaner way is to create an little tool (compiled for the hostsystem) 
that generates the xml files and which dont depend on all the other libs.

another thing:
must i have libselinux for systemd? my system dont use selinux - is it 
possible to make this optional?



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