[systemd-devel] [PATCH 1/2] Don't clean /var/lock/subsys or /var/run/user; they're not aged content.

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Tue Oct 26 07:33:38 PDT 2010

Lennart Poettering (lennart at poettering.net) said: 
> > I was looking for non-systemd users - while the user-specific dir
> > is created, there's no actual data that ends up being written there
> > (at least on my test desktop).  Perhaps none of the apps in that
> > set are using XDG_RUNTIME_DIR?
> XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is actually only something I have discussed with a
> couple of folks and implemented it because I needed it in
> pam_systemd. However, there's no official documentation for it, nor have
> I ever proposed it to the xdg mailing list, since there's a bit of a
> uncertainty whether XDG_RUNTIME_DIR should be bound to the individual
> sessions or to "first session to last session of a user".

How does this differ from implementing (for example) per-user /tmp?


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