[systemd-devel] emergency vs. rescue

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Tue Sep 7 09:41:54 PDT 2010

Lennart Poettering (lennart at poettering.net) said: 
> And I hope this is not too confusing...

It reads confusingly, in that if sysinit is 'Before' emergency, the
implication would be that if you enable emergency mode, sysinit would be
started before it. It isn't, as the dependency isn't there.

Two other emergency points:
- it doesn't have the same sort of boot alias as 'single'. If you're
  going for compat with old sysvinit, it should have an 'emergency' alias
  (that leaves out systemd.unit=....)
- respawn is pretty pointless here (as it is for rescue). It should
  just have ExecStartPost=/bin/systemctl default


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