[systemd-devel] Doing development tests with systemd?

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Sun Apr 3 13:52:33 PDT 2011

On Sat, 02.04.11 14:28, Albert Strasheim (fullung at gmail.com) wrote:

> Ideally, we'd like to achieve this without touching the configuration
> of the developer's system itself, since they might still be running
> Fedora 14 without systemd, or might have built systemd directly from
> git. This should isolate the developer's system from any issues while
> we sort out the systemd configuration of our services.
> I am hoping to be able to do something like:
> sudo /opt/systemd/bin/systemd --user --config=/path/to/projects/etc
> and then run the integration tests.
> Perhaps to get things as close as possible to a real system we could
> perhaps have a script to set up some bind mounts for the developer's
> binaries and configuration files to appear under some directory and
> then have the developer do something like:
> sudo chroot /path/to/testing/root /bin/systemd --user
> If anyone has any suggestions on how to achieve a setup like this, I'd
> really like to hear them.

As you already found out systemd-nspawn has been written precisely for
uses like yours.

On the TODO list is to add "systemd.mask=" and "systemd.white_list=" to
the kernel command line arguments systemd understands. These could then
be used to either blacklist or whitelist specific lists of units. That
should be very handy for testing specific units. So yupp, stay tuned,
we're busy adding more toys for you ;-).


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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