[systemd-devel] some issues with missing HAVE_SYSV_COMPAT and /run/lock

Marius Tolzmann tolzmann at molgen.mpg.de
Wed Apr 6 09:25:03 PDT 2011


>> Nothing remotely sane should ever create files with a magically (the
>> magic is not even defined) encoded filenames in it, to coordinate
>> access to a device.
>> It's one of the things where "unix" had really no idea what they are
>> doing, regardless that it's ugly as hell, it just can't work reliably
>> ever.
>> Just drop all that utter nonsense if you don't need it, and use proper
>> locks on the device node that go away when the locking process dies.
>> We really don't want that in systemd for new systems.
> Marius, do you see anything using /var/lock? At least on my Gentoo
> it's not used (as expected). /var/run (/run) OTOH is full of users :-)

don't get me wrong.. i don't want to have neither /var/lock nor
/run/lock.. (and it was empty on my system, too)

i just was confused why something like /run/lock was introduced in the
first place when it now only gets enabled when legacy support is
requested and everybody wants to get rid off it..
(even the TODO list mentions that on the long run /var/lock should be a
symlink to whatever)

i totally agree removing support for this on new systems.. i just was
confused (again) when i hit the bug where var-lock.mount was still
wanted by local-fs.target but not installed anymore (lennart fixed this)
and i remembered the discussion about all the lock stuff and /run/lock..

so i am very happy with systemd v23 so far and everything works for me
with legacy-support disabled.. 8) (and without /{var,run}/lock .. 8)

the whole lock-issue seems to be something the distributions and
upstream programmers should care about and nothing systemd can fix

and again: i am really happy with the cleanup issues systemd brings up.. 8)


p.s.: weiter so 8)

Dipl.-Inf. Marius Tolzmann <marius.tolzmann at molgen.mpg.de>
MPI f. molekulare Genetik         |
Ihnestrasse 63-73, D-14195 Berlin |   ==> MarIuX GNU/Linux <==
Phone: +49 (0)30 8413 1709        |
God put me on earth to accomplish a certain number of things.
Right now I am so far behind..
   ..I will never die.         <by calvin from calvin&hobbes ;)>

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