[systemd-devel] systemd restart patch

Michael Biebl mbiebl at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 12:35:55 PST 2011

2011/2/3 Cristian Patrascu <Cristian.Patrascu at windriver.com>:
> So, for these last two features I created a patch, which adds two more
> options for a .service :
> - RestartRetries=n (where n is the number of restart retries)
> - ExecPostRestarts=/some/cmd (where the command "/some/cmd" will be executed
> after restart retries are finished).

I think the name of this option is not very descriptive and imho it
could be useful in a more general way. What do you think about using

ExecStartOnFailure=/some/cmd (send an email or what not)

If Restart=on-failure is not set, this command is executed when the
starting the service has failed.
If Restart=on-failure is set, this command is executed after all
restart retries have failed.


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