[systemd-devel] PATCH: support for parsing /etc/insserv.conf for LSB system facilities

Frederic Crozat fcrozat at suse.com
Fri Jul 1 02:20:23 PDT 2011


as discussed on irc, I've implemented parsing /etc/insserv.conf, which,
on SUSE (and maybe on Debian), provides LSB System Facilities (instead
of using Provides: in LSB initscripts, for things like $network,
$portmap, etc..).

I didn't implement the <interactive> part of insserv.conf, since
X-Interactive is currently broken in systemd and we'd like to keep
sysvinit for openSUSE 12.1 (so, we could just remove X-Interactive flags
from legacy initscripts on openSUSE, but when booting with old sysvinit,
<interactive> list would be used to tell boot scripts which one are

Frederic Crozat <fcrozat at suse.com>

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