[systemd-devel] systemd equivalent of chkconfig --list | grep '3:on'

Nick Urbanik nicku at nicku.org
Thu Sep 29 16:07:09 PDT 2011

Dear Folks,
On 29/09/11 21:21 +1000, Nick Urbanik wrote:
>Dear Michal,
>Thank you for your helpful response.
>On 29/09/11 12:19 +0200, Michal Schmidt wrote:
>>Since ssh login works, you can get some debug information. Boot 
>>with "log_buf_len=1M systemd.log_level=debug 
>>systemd.log_target=kmsg", login via ssh and save the output of the 
>>'dmesg' command.
>>The output of 'systemctl dump' may also be helpful.
>>Paste them somewhere online where we can take a look.
>Both of those files are here;
>Current symptoms:
>I cannot change to any of the other console screens.
>systemctl start getty.target just sits there with no apparent result.
>Any further suggestions towards understanding are most welcome.

After sacrificing a few chickens (and time with my family) I finally
have booted my machine to work in graphical mode again, though I
expect more chickens will be required the next time I reboot.  This is
what I did.

1. Boot into runlevel 1 by editing grub command line before boot.
2. # systemctl start getty.target
3. Log in on a console as me.
4. cd /etc/rc.d/rc5.d
5. ls S* | sed -r 's/^S..(.*)/\1.service/' > ~/level-5
6. cd
7. for i in `cat level-5`;do echo $i;sudo systemctl start $i;sudo systemctl status $i;echo;done
8. sudo systemctl start default.target

systemd remains a dark mystery to me, and the version shipped with
Fedora 15 seems lacking the ability to determine what services and
targets remain to be started, what to me is a serious shortcoming.

I have no idea what is causing the normal boot to hang, and for sudo
and su to fail, and for cron jobs to not terminate, and for my
computer to become an amazing time sink.  I have saved myself through
workarounds of a deep, unsolved mystery, but I do not recommend others
switch from init scripts to systemd until at least a method of
determining what it wants to do next is available in some simple way,
or the simple equivalent of cd /etc/rc.d/rc5.d;ls S* | sed 's/^S..//'
is available.

I am still interested in solving my problem, as it remains lurking in
wait for me the next time I need to reboot this computer, and I need
to understand this beast.  Thank you Michal for taking the time to
respond to me.
Nick Urbanik             http://nicku.org           nicku at nicku.org
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