[systemd-devel] systemd-readahead and often used applications

Kok, Auke-jan H auke-jan.h.kok at intel.com
Sat Apr 13 14:08:52 PDT 2013

On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 4:27 AM, Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net> wrote:
> Hi
> as far as i understand "systemd-readahead" is catching what is
> loaded directly due boot and 10 seconds after, well that's fine
> but is there a possibility to "feed" it with additional applications?
> example of the real life here:
>  * the machine get powered on in the morning
>  * due this sitting in the kitchen with a coffee
>  * after that login in KDE, plasma and kopete are started
>  * finally Thunderbird and Firefox are started
>  * mostly Eclipse is the next
>  * the machine has 16 GB RAM
> it would make pretty much sense that Thunderbird, Firefox and
> so on are pre-loaded or at least their libraries after the
> login-manager appears to use the time between boot and login

A lot of things are possible and would help this:

- change your system to auto-logon your account and start the
applications for you. This is possible without any coding.

- do per-user readahead, so that when a user logs in readahead-collect
runs again but with a different pack, stored in the users home folder.
Most of this should be possible with little work, but you'd have to
write some xdg autostart files and possibly patch the readahead

- extend the collector to run much longer

- manually create a pack and disable the collector

one of the problems is that it's hard to create something that
generally works well for all situations, and autologon+lock desktop
benefits from simplicity since readahead catches almost all of it.


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