[systemd-devel] The whole su/pkexec session debate

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Tue Dec 10 21:30:16 PST 2013

Lennart Poettering [2013-12-11  3:17 +0100]:
> I am pretty sure that screen should not get the right to escape here.
> [..]
> The kill-on-logout thing really is something that explicitly should
> kill screen too, otherwise it would not be so useful.

Not only "not so useful", it would be rendered entirely useless as you
can run any program in a screen shell. If you poke holes into that,
the next person will come around and say "but keep nohup, too", and so

For desktops you usually want kill-on-logout configured off (at least
if you expect your users to run things like screen, nohup, or & plus
disown), and if you turn it on in environments like coffee shops,
school labs, or other public computers it should really "kill
everything, period".


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)

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