[systemd-devel] Why doe I not see the logging with -u

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Sun Dec 15 15:41:12 PST 2013

On Sat, 14.12.13 09:22, Cecil Westerhof (Cecil.Westerhof at Snow.nl) wrote:

> I made a first setup to make a service for the H2 database. I made
> the folowing service file:
>     [Unit]
>     Description=H2 Database
>     [Service]
>     Type=simple
>     ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -cp
> /home/cecil/java/h2/bin/h2-1.3.174.jar org.h2.tools.Console -tool
> -tcp
>     Restart=always
>     User=cecil

Note that "journal -u" only shows you the journal files that have been
split off for the calling user. How this splitting up takes place is
configured via SplitMode= in journald.conf. The default of this value is
"login", which means only data generated from login sessions are split
out, but not data that is just generated from a non-zero UID. A login
session is here defined by whether we went though the PAM session hooks
or not. The PAM session hooks have the effect that pam_limits and
suchlike are applied too, which is usually what you want when you run
some service as real user (i.e. where "real" user means not just as a
system user like "httpd" or "mysql", but as somebody who actually logs
in via ssh from time to time). Now, by just using User=cecil you simply
change user IDs, but you do not open a full PAM session. To get a full
PAM session define PAMName= for a service.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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