[systemd-devel] How do you set the machine's domain name with systemd?

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Wed Feb 13 12:01:10 PST 2013

Am 13.02.2013 20:26, schrieb Lennart Poettering:
> On Wed, 13.02.13 20:23, Reindl Harald (h.reindl at thelounge.net) wrote:
>>>> this is a very bad style which became visible with this bug
>>> Well, it's not as simple as it might appear. "hostnamectl set-hostname"
>>> actually sets the pretty hostname (and should do that unaltered), then
>>> strips all the weird chars and sets the result as the unix hostname. You
>>> should always have the pretty hostname in place.
>>> The idea is that "Lennart's PC" as pretty hostname becomes "lennarts-pc"
>>> as Unix hostname
>> and this idea is wrong
>> there is no need for a "pretty hostname"
>> * a hostname is a hostname with it's rules
>> * a pretty name is a pretty name with no technical relation
> Well, read a book.
> The pretty host name is inherent to mDNS/DNS-SD and used in Avahi, GNOME
> and others for various purposes...

and there is which technical need to make it not "lennarts-pc"
if you say "set-hostname" and not say "set-pretty-hostname"
besides that "Lennart's PC" is technical absoluetly not needed
and so this idea should never have side effects to the unix
hostname - KISS principle!

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