[systemd-devel] Cannot add dependency job for unit... Cannot allocate memory

Anthony Messina amessina at messinet.com
Thu Feb 21 07:48:57 PST 2013

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, so please direct me to the 
proper list if it's not.  And byt the way, THANK YOU for systemd!  The more I 
read and try, the simpler my systems get.

Anyway, I'm writing due to an issue I'm seeing on a few of my Fedora 18 
machines after I've created a unit file for instantiation that will acquire 
Kerberos tickets for user-based services such as apache and mythtv, etc. to 
access NFSv4.1 filesystems.  Any assistance would be appreciated, especially 
with pointers on improving the unit file itself.  I have attached the dmesg 
output after booting with "systemd.log_level=debug systemd.log_target=kmsg"

Thanks in advance -A

I am intermittently running into the error:
"Cannot add dependency job for unit k5start at mythtv.service, ignoring: Unit 
k5start at mythtv.service failed to load: Cannot allocate memory. See system logs 
and 'systemctl status k5start at mythtv.service'
 for details."

And systemctl status k5start at mythtv.service shows
k5start at mythtv.service - k5start Kerberos ticket service for mythtv
          Loaded: error (Reason: Cannot allocate memory)
          Active: inactive (dead)
            Docs: man:k5start(1)

This issue does not happen every time the computer is started, but the success 
is about 50/50.  However, if I reload systemd and try to start the unit, it 
works every time.

# systemctl --system daemon-reload
# systemctl start k5start at mythtv.service
# systemctl status k5start at mythtv.service
k5start at mythtv.service - k5start Kerberos ticket service for mythtv
          Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/k5start at .service; enabled)
          Active: active (running) since Thu 2013-02-21 09:38:12 CST; 7s ago
            Docs: man:k5start(1)
         Process: 1167 ExecStart=/usr/bin/k5start -b -f 
/etc/k5start.d/%u.keytab -K 60 -p /run/user/%U/k5start.pid -L -v -U 
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
         Process: 1164 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/chcon -R -t user_tmp_t 
/run/user/%U (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
         Process: 1159 ExecStartPre=/bin/chown -R %u:%u /run/user/%U 
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
         Process: 1155 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/mkdir -p -m 0700 
/run/user/%U/krb5cc (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
         Process: 1152 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/mkdir -p -m 0700 /run/user/%U 
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
        Main PID: 1168 (k5start)
          CGroup: name=systemd:/system/k5start at .service/mythtv
                  └─1168 /usr/bin/k5start -b -f /etc/k5start.d/mythtv.keytab -
K 60 -p /run/user/1136699918/k5start.pid -L -v -U

Feb 21 09:38:12 mythtv.example.com k5start[1167]: Kerberos initialization for 
mythtv at EXAMPLE.COM
Feb 21 09:38:12 mythtv.example.com k5start[1167]: k5start: authenticating as 
mythtv at EXAMPLE.COM
Feb 21 09:38:12 mythtv.example.com k5start[1167]: k5start: getting tickets for 
Feb 21 09:38:12 mythtv.example.com k5start[1167]: authenticating as 
mythtv at EXAMPLE.COM
Feb 21 09:38:12 mythtv.example.com k5start[1167]: getting tickets for 

The unit file is below (I've only wrapped the lines for email purposes) and I 
have instantiated the unit by "systemctl enable k5start at mythtv.service".

Description=k5start Kerberos ticket service for %i
Before=display-manager.service httpd.service mythbackend.service
After=network.target sssd.service

ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/mkdir -p -m 0700 /run/user/%U ; \
  /usr/bin/mkdir -p -m 0700 /run/user/%U/krb5cc ; \
  /bin/chown -R %u:%u /run/user/%U ; \
  /usr/bin/chcon -R -t user_tmp_t /run/user/%U
ExecStart=/usr/bin/k5start -b -f /etc/k5start.d/%u.keytab \
  -K 60 -p /run/user/%U/k5start.pid -L -v -U
ExecReload=/bin/kill -ALRM $MAINPID


Anthony - http://messinet.com - http://messinet.com/~amessina/gallery
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