[systemd-devel] Someone working on gui for multiseat?

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Jan 22 17:53:32 PST 2013

On Mon, 21.01.13 15:25, Stef Bon (stefbon at gmail.com) wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm experimenting with the plugable ud-160-A as seat extender. I'm
> borrowing it from Hans de Goede.
> Now it works very good, only with new monitors using the newest EDID
> technique it blocks. Hans has already posted a patch.
> But with an older monitor it works great!!
> Now I would like contribute on the gui. I know it is very nice to have! I
> do not have recent experience creating guis, but for my on project I have
> to create a simple gui filebrowser as well.
> Is there already some working on that?

I am not aware of any, and we could definitely use one! Writing a UI
should be relatively straightforward as the bus interfaces provide
everything you need to define new seats.

The APIs are described here.


Basically, with "ListSeats()" you get a list of currently defined seats,
with the signals "SeatNew" and "SeatRemoved" you are notified about
seats coming and going as they are hotplugged.

To enumerate devices, use libudev and look for all devices marked with
the tag "seat". They will have a ID_SEAT property that tells you which
device a seat belongs to.

Finally, do attach a device to a seat use AttachDevice(). This will
write the udev rule for you in the background and make sure it takes

Also see:


Hope this makes sense!

It's all a bit terse but for all further questions there's this ML and


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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