[systemd-devel] systemd and RTAI not getting along

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Jan 22 20:38:00 PST 2013

On Tue, 22.01.13 02:33, JB (general at itpsg.com) wrote:

> Subsequent starts and stops of the application of course do not
> change those process ID and kernel threads because, I can only
> assume, they are reused.  A kill -9 as root will not even kill them.
> The problem I have is that system shutdown times take quite a few
> minutes unless systemd has done everything it can to kill these,
> correct?  This mostly results in a very long delay on a timeout
> waiting for dependent processes to die when they never will on
> shutdown or restart of the computer or just the webapp service.

So let me get this right: if RTAI is used it will spawn kernel threads
that inherit cgroup membership of the client requesting it?

That realls sounds like a kernel issue to me, and should be fixed by
RTAI. I mean, I have no idea what this really is and how it behaves, but
allowing kernel threads to live in arbitrary user managed cgroups sounds
a bit dangerous to me...

That all said, you can use KillMode= and related settings to alter what
is killed. See systemd.kill(5) for details.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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