[systemd-devel] InaccessibleDirectories and non-existing dirs

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Jan 30 07:51:54 PST 2013

'Twas brillig, and Reindl Harald at 30/01/13 15:34 did gyre and gimble:
> systemd-197-1.fc18.2.x86_64
> i try to make a generic list with folders which are never
> supposed to be access from httpd - but if you list here
> a non-existing directory httpd.service fails completly
> to start - as i can undersatnd this technically would
> it be not better to check if a dir exists and if not
> ignore the line silently?

Well I guess a problem with that approach would be if the folder doesn't
exist when the service starts but is then created after.

An administrator would be forgiven for expecting the service not to be
able to access this folder when reading the service, but AFAIUI, this
would actually not be the case.

I could be wrong of course and even if not it's maybe still acceptable



Colin Guthrie

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