[systemd-devel] fstab Mounts Not Getting Waken Up

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Fri Jul 12 09:29:52 PDT 2013

Am 12.07.2013 18:18, schrieb CACook at Quantum-Sci.com:
> Michael Biebl:
>> systemd doesn't unmount the fs on suspend, why should it mount it on resume?
>> Maybe you are mixing up what "auto" means.
> Why is everyone so uptight here?

because this is a DEVEL list

> No, I am not mixing up what "auto" means.  Auto is supposed to mean that it --mounts automatically--, period, like
> the word says.  But it does not, as you can see.

* does it mount on boot
* if yes it does what it claims

> If "auto" does not make it mount automatically on wake for some reason, THEN WHAT WILL?  That is the real question
> here.  Why won't it mount on WAKE?  The point is -not- to argue what "auto" means.  The question is about how to
> make the drive mount on wake.  Do we prefer to nit-pick, or to advance the cause?  The goal is to make this drive
> mount on wake, a very common function.

you refused "systemd doesn't unmount the fs on suspend" and so it has
the mounted state on wake - if it does not work because the ssh connection
did not survive the sleep phase fight this with fusesshfs developers
or try play around with ssh's KeepALive

the example settings below mean i have 30 seconds
which my ssh-tunnels and connections are surviving
network downtime for whatever reason

Server (/etc/ssh/sshd_config):
TCPKeepAlive yes
KeepAlive yes
ClientAliveCountMax 10
ClientAliveInterval 20

Client (/etc/ssh/ssh_config or ~/.ssh/config)
KeepAlive yes
ServerAliveCountMax 10
ServerAliveInterval 20

this is *really* not a systemd problem

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