[systemd-devel] Broken build and CI strategy

Holger Hans Peter Freyther holger at freyther.de
Fri Jun 28 01:06:11 PDT 2013

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 09:43:08AM +0200, Peter Sztanojev wrote:

> So this issue is about tweaking how jenkins does its job?
> I have added David Strauss to the CC, hopefully he won't mind.

Well, that is one part. "make test" really just checks if the test/
directory exists, it doesn't really contribute to the quality control.

The other thing with "make check" is that it is failing if the build
system doesn't run systemd[1] or fails if the installed version is not
new enough (debian still ships systemd 44 that doesn't have catalogs
so the catalog test fails).

> >> The output of which can be seen on IRC.
> >> The problems always seem to come from non-standard/broken setups
> >
> > Could you please elaborate on standard vs. non-standard/broken setups.
> > travis is building on a clean VM and installing most of the packages
> > specified in the README file.

systemd currently does not link on default Debian/Ubuntu systems.
Could you please elaborate how this is a non-standard/broken setup?

I can make it link by installing binutils-gold, if systemd now
requires gold, could you please update the configure.ac and README
to reflect this?


[1] https://travis-ci.org/zecke/systemde/builds/8531920

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