[systemd-devel] Need advice on daemon's architecture

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Nov 4 06:32:06 PST 2013

On Sun, 03.11.13 10:40, Peter Lemenkov (lemenkov at gmail.com) wrote:

> Hello All!
> I'm working on a system service which uses systemd intensively. Right
> now it's socket-activated, with main service of type "simple". I
> recently added support for querying and publishing some internals via
> D-Bus, so it has a D-Bus name now. Does it add anything if I change
> type of a main service to "dbus" thus allowing systemd to know for
> sure if my service is fully initialized?

Type=notify or Type=dbus are usually the best choices and is what I'd
recommend. The former requires you to use sd_notify(), the latter
requires you to make your service a bus service.

Type=forking is the nastiest choice. Type=simple is an OK choice too,
but doesn't pass as much state information to systemd as the other


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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