[systemd-devel] systemd-networkd with 802.1x

Tomasz Torcz tomek at pipebreaker.pl
Mon Nov 25 00:34:12 PST 2013

On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 06:20:09PM +1000, David Timothy Strauss wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 5:38 PM, Umut Tezduyar Lindskog
> <umut.tezduyar at axis.com> wrote:
> > I would think port access protocols would be needed for servers even before sending a single IP package.
> I've never used a server that required 802.1x. I've only encountered
> it in places where physical network access is widespread among people
> who aren't trusted, like offices and universities.

  It's utilized with certain high-security environments. Data centers
hosting clouds with "secure" as selling points.  It's roughly
the same level of paranoia like using SecureBoot on servers,
some customers are paying extra for that.

Tomasz   .. oo o.   oo o. .o   .o o. o. oo o.   ..
Torcz    .. .o .o   .o .o oo   oo .o .. .. oo   oo
o.o.o.   .o .. o.   o. o. o.   o. o. oo .. ..   o.

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