[systemd-devel] Logind error - Failed to abandon session scope: Connection reset

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Fri Aug 15 02:41:47 PDT 2014

On Fri, 15.08.14 15:04, Roger Qiu (roger.qiu at polycademy.com) wrote:

> Hello Lennart,
> Thanks for answering.
> Is there any way to enforce ordering to make this error not occur?

You could order systemd-logind.service After= dbus.service. That way
dbus is started first, and logind second. And since the top order is the
reversed start order, this would result in logind being stopped first
and dbus second.

But honestly, I don't really like this, we should no add unnecessary
ordering here...

> Or what's the best way to hide that warning?

We should probably just patch it out...

> Or when is the ETA for kdbus?

Well, "when it's ready"...


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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