[systemd-devel] Nspawn / getty restart loop

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Dec 8 06:13:31 PST 2014

On Sat, 06.12.14 09:49, Meech (meechman at gmail.com) wrote:

> Running Arch64 / Systemd 217.   I have a barebones container initialized
> with pacstrap.   The conatiner is stored in /var/lib and started via
> systemd (systemctl start systemd-nspawn at mycontainer)
> When nobody is logged in, the journal is spammed every 10 seconds with
> agetty errors.   How can I prevent this?   It seems like it's in a never
> ending restart loop until somebody is logged in.

Hmm, did you manually enable "container-getty at .service" in some way?
Do you see any symlink to it in /etc/systemd/system/ somewhere? The
only way that service should be instantiated is during runtime with
tools like "machinectl login".


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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