[systemd-devel] DefaultDependencies=false on scopes

Brandon Philips brandon at ifup.co
Mon Dec 15 17:44:24 PST 2014


How is a user supposed to disable DefaultDependencies on a scope? From
the docs it seems like it should work:

"Unless DefaultDependencies=false is used, scope units will implicitly
have dependencies of type Conflicts= and Before= on shutdown.target."

But, in practice:

systemd-run --scope --property="DefaultDependencies=false" /usr/bin/sleep 50000
Unknown assignment DefaultDependencies=false.
Failed to create message: Invalid argument

The root problem I am trying to fix is that it seems the docker daemon
uses DefaulDependencies for all of its scopes which means that the
containers get killed by systemd before the docker daemon is notified
to shutdown.

AFAICS, this would need to be added here:



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