[systemd-devel] using /dev/root in fstab

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Jul 7 05:17:23 PDT 2014

On Mon, 07.07.14 19:53, microcai (microcai at fedoraproject.org) wrote:

> I am not talk about bring back /dev/root, but just a way of refereing 
> "whatever root device specified on kernel commandline" in fstab or in -.mount 
> unit.
> deserize root filesystem and configure the bootloader, and installation 
> complete. Hate to change target fstab again.
> also, I think it's rather stupid to specify root device twice, once in boot 
> loader, once in fstab. keeping them sync is a burden.

Why precisely do you need a symlink to the real device? I mean, as
mentioned, you can actually make up any name you want to place in
/etc/fstab. Since you only need to remount the file system, /bin/mount
doesn't really care about what you specify there...


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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