[systemd-devel] systemd user service when x is started

arnaud gaboury arnaud.gaboury at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 02:25:41 PST 2014

I am starting my user services with systemctl --user as possible as I can.
I log in my session on VT with startx. I thus defined a first target,
called console.target, for services than do not need X (dbus,urxvtd,
ssh-agent, gpg-agent, tmux). The default.target is symlinked to it.

Unfortunately, I am unable to start my X session with a systemd
service file, see [1]

My plan is to use after X is started a second target, let's call it
wm.target, with all services relevant to the X session. For now, I
have no idea how to define After=
It can't be right after the console.target as X need to be started first.

Until I solve the start of X with a service file, I am looking for a
solution to be able to use the wm.target even if there is no any
xorg.target after first one (console.target).

Thank you for any suggestion




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