[systemd-devel] user environment variables

arnaud gaboury arnaud.gaboury at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 11:55:12 PST 2014

>> As for the variable, two more wishes (not a big deal yet):
>> - in units, why not add a specifier reflecting $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
> Hmm, when we start with that, then I figure people want the other XDG
> dirs as well, soon...
> Anyway, what's the usecase for this?

Just laziness when writing service files.conf
Ex: gpg-agent.conf

I often use the path sequence '%h/.config'.
So forget about it, laziness is not a valuable reason

>> - why not systemctl --export-environment
> Same here, what's the usecase?

No usecase at the moment. I can imagine one day a systemctl started
service with an exported variable to systemd env and then need to pass
the variable to the user env for any other services.
Again, not yet a big deal.

> (Not really opposed to either, but I'd like to hear a usecase first)
> Lennart
> --
> Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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