[systemd-devel] [question] networkd: Any support for hooks?

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Fri Oct 10 02:17:05 PDT 2014

On Thu, 09.10.14 18:38, Cameron Norman (camerontnorman at gmail.com) wrote:

> >actually not using avahi-autoipd is the way you really want to go.
> >Especially since networkd will do IPv4LL setup for you anyway. Same
> >applies to ethtool hooks since they should be done by link files and
> >configured by udev.
> udev was indeed my first thought for ethtool, however how would the ethtool
> commands be hooked in on containers? Or is ethtool not relevant there?

Which ethtool commands do you precisely need in your containers?

I'd suggest adding support for useful ethtool commands directly to
networkd, exposed via friendly configuration options, so that the fact
that it is an ethtool command is just an implementation detail.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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