[systemd-devel] [RFC 00/25] Compile against the musl libc

Philippe De Swert philippedeswert at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 07:20:51 PDT 2014


On 18/09/14 17:13, Emil Renner Berthing wrote:
> On 18 September 2014 16:10, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" <johannbg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 09/18/2014 01:24 PM, Emil Renner Berthing wrote:
>>> The real reason is of course that I'd like to see systemd running
>>> on my router and other small devices that usually run some OpenWRT
>>> derivative.
>> The openwrt community is still going forward with their (re)-invention of
>> init system called procd since they were incapable of using systemd built
>> with --disable-alots right?
>> Or are you talking about you dont want to use OpenWRT but your own or
>> something else and thus the request?
> Yes, indeed. Also I am hoping that having this option means other small
> devices will run systemd in the future.

I think you are missing the point of musl.... So you have so little
space you need a smaller libc but then you want to use a binary of ~1MB
+ tools to replace an init of a few Kb?

Moreover systemd needs a lot more kernel options, so making smaller
kernels gets hard. Not to mention for example cgroups etc is often very
unstable in the earlier kernels that have the support for those devices.
IOW more kernel crashes due to systemd requiring cgroups.

The reason why OpenWrt would do their own init, is to keep it small.
Often those routers etc have only a few Mb of flash. Even with
compression just having a 2Mb just for the init system is a bit much.



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