[systemd-devel] [PATCH] ask-password: Add --do-echo to enable echoing the user input

David Sommerseth davids at redhat.com
Fri Sep 19 01:32:57 PDT 2014

On 18/09/14 18:02, Colin Guthrie wrote:
> I'd rather the ability to make a single request and have the agent ask
> for all credentials and reply once rather than looping over both
> separately however.

+1 ... But I'll have to say that this will require a bit of re-designing
old cold paths in OpenVPN.  But it is doable.  Anyhow, AFAIK (and nobody
have told me otherwise in this ML), such an approach does not exist.
I've heard vague rumours about a new implementation using dbus, but not
seen any clear evidence of that yet.

Right now (which is the situation I try to solve), it is the issue of
avoiding masking username which is my primary goal, as it seems
ask-password is the only way to get user input via systemd.  When an
agreed approach can be reached, I can adopt OpenVPN and submit the
needed patches to that community.

When systemd have landed on a better approach, I'll be happy to include
patches in OpenVPN to go in that direction.

All this said, I'll post another updated to this patch soonish.  When
going through the tty-ask-password-agent, the masking still happens.
I'm digging into that now.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

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