[systemd-devel] [PATCH] build: generate pkg-config files during configure

Michael Biebl mbiebl at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 16:20:41 PDT 2015

2015-03-13 0:13 GMT+01:00 Jeff Waugh <jdub at bethesignal.org>:
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 10:07 AM, Michael Biebl <mbiebl at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Those are the as-installed versions (they're not manipulated again during make).
>> And how does that improve cross-compilation?
> It allows you to successfully build other software that uses the
> library. A minor detail. :-)

Well, I was looking for a more elaborate explanation, why that change
makes a difference.
To me, the resulting .pc are basically the same. So there must be
something else I'm missing.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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