[systemd-devel] Automatic user ACL management

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon May 18 09:18:57 PDT 2015

On Mon, 18.05.15 18:16, Mikhail Morfikov (mmorfikov at gmail.com) wrote:

> Something is wrong. I did the following steps:
> $ newgrp audio
> In the log I have the following message:
> May 18 18:02:19 morfikownia newgrp[80543]: user 'morfik' (login 'morfik' on pts/7) switched to group 'audio'
> Then I started amarok (in the same terminal):
> $ amarok
> $ ps -eo user,group,args | grep amarok
> morfik   audio    amarok
> So it says the process has the audio group, but the sound disappears
> when I switch to TTY, so nothing has changed. Should this happen, or am I
> supposed to do something else in order to make it work?

you need to run PA with those privs, not your media player. it's pa
that needs the access rights to the device nodes, not your media player.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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