[Tango-artists] Request for icons

Simon TRENY simon.treny at free.fr
Thu Aug 3 05:22:00 PDT 2006


I am the main developer of Etk, a toolkit (as GTK or QT) using the EFL
(the EFL are a set of libraries developed and used by the window
manager e17). You can see an old screenshot of some test apps using
ETK here:

As you can see on the screenshot, I'm using the default icon set of the
Tango Project as the default icon set for Etk. The existing icons look
really good with the Etk's default widget theme. But some important
icons are still missing.

The missing icons that I would need are mostly icons for the buttons of
the dialogs:
- "dialog-cancel"
- "dialog-close"
- "dialog-ok"
I also haven't found a "dialog-apply" icon in the naming specs, maybe
it could be useful too (or it could be the same icon as "dialog-ok").
I would also need an icon for "application-exit".

So if somebody have time to create these icons, it would be really
great :)

Thanks for your great work,
Simon TRENY <MoOm>

PS. Sorry for my English :o

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