[Tango-artists] Some missing icons I have been working on ...

Andreas Nilsson nisses.mail at home.se
Sat Jan 21 15:21:45 PST 2006

Steven Garrity wrote:

> Garrett LeSage wrote:
>> Here's the working URL:
>> http://www.pseudocode.org/temp/working.png
>> Ryan, these look awesome!
> * The "X" on the "close window" and "disabled" red squares looks more 
> like the letter X - maybe a more vertically/horizontally equal "X" 
> shape might work better? (I think Andreas has a good "close" icon with 
> a good symmetrical X

Here are the close icon sgarrity is talking about. My plan was to use 
them for closing tabs and such, as it would look wierd in buttons (I 
think I sent those to jimmac with the wrong name last time). It's more 
or less a copy of the one in winstripe, and the scalable version could 
use some more love.


- Andreas

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