[Tango-artists] Toon! Icon Theme

sem buka sem.buka at gmail.com
Sun Oct 1 13:26:52 PDT 2006

Dear people,

The Toon! site is now available from toon.sourceforge.net. Toon! is a set
forked of the Gartoon theme by zeus some years ago. Since then both sets
have been going their separate ways, but I decided to get Toon! of my laptop
into the open.

Toon! is heavily under development, by me. You can check the current status
at the Toon! website (look at pictures).

At the moment I am renaming icons to the new naming convention, adding icons
under the new naming convention, and incorporating Gartoon icons from their
latest set, as I see fit.

I am still uploading the icons, so not all images may show.

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