[Tango-artists] Why not LGPL

Andreas Nilsson nisses.mail at home.se
Thu Sep 21 05:05:30 PDT 2006

jEsuSdA 8) wrote:
> Hello!
> In the Debian mail list someone says that it is not possible include 
> tango icon theme by default on the Debian distro because CC is not 
> 100% compatible with FSF GPL (or LGPL).
Where can one read more about this issue?
All I found was this: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianDesktopArtwork 
(scroll down a bit to find the section about tango).

One thing I want to point out is that the Tango project is not about 
tango-icon-theme, it's about the style guidelines. Debian could use some 
other theme compatible with the guidelines, like gnome-icon-theme (that 
is gpl) for example as a base and then make some red-colored folder 
icons and stuff (or whatever distros like to do). Icons drawn using the 
guidelines will then blend in ok with icons drawn in old-gnome-style and 
crystal-style and the icons provided by apps as gimp, banshee and pitivi.
Another possibility would be to make a new base set from scratch and 
follow the style guidelines and the namin-spec and license that as lgpl.
- Andreas

> ¿It is true that Tango CC license is not compatible with GPL or LGPL 
> projects ?
Yes, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#OtherLicenses
CC and FSF is working on the issue though.

- Andreas

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