[Tango-artists] Why cant Tango Icons be GPL ?

Rodney Dawes dobey.pwns at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 20:30:27 PDT 2008

On Tue, 2008-04-01 at 17:06 +0200, Joel Uckelman wrote:
> Thus spake "Sergio Lopes":
> > 
> > >  (...) As I said in my previous e-mail, icon theme lookup is
> > >  probably your friend, as it will bring you assessability  icons as a
> > >  bonus, as well as picking up the icons if your users are running any
> > >  special theme.
> > 
> > In Linux I believe theme lookup is an option, on Windows I can't even
> > imagine how that is done :), if it's possible or not I don't know,
> > unless you are using some platform, like GTK.
> >
> On that topic: Is there some reference for doing theme lookup? Something
> that's cross-platform? Or even three references, for Linux, MacOS, and
> Windows?

Mac OS and Windows do not have icon themes.

Using Qt or GTK+ on Linux, you can use the icon theme APIs they provide,
to look up the icons. You can do this on Windows or Mac OS as well, but
the icon themes may not necessarily be available, as the icon themes
themselves are generally situated at a desktop level, rather than the
toolkit level.

-- dobey

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