[Tango-artists] Support the Libre Graphics Meeting!

Cube cube at szypulka.com
Sun Apr 13 06:10:13 PDT 2008


You love open-source graphics? Support the Libre Graphics Meeting!

What is the Libre Graphics Meeting? 
The Libre Graphics Meeting <http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2008>
brings together developers and users of free software graphics applications,
such as the GIMP <http://www.gimp.org> , Inkscape <http://www.inkscape.org>
, Scribus <http://www.scribus.net> , Blender <http://www.blender.org> ,
Krita <http://www.koffice.org/krita/> , the Open Clipart Library
<http://www.openclipart.org>  and more. 

In its third edition, the organization needs your help! You can support your
favorite graphics application, and ensure that the travel costs of as many
volunteer developers as possible are paid to ensure that this edition of the
conference is more successful that its predecessors. 

Where will the money go? 
We have kept costs associated with infrastructure to a minimum. Over 80% of
the conference budget will be spent on subsidizing travel and accommodation
costs for developers. 

A non-profit organization 
All donations will be made to the conference organizers via the GNOME
Foundation <http://www.gnome.org> , a 501(c)3 tax exempt US-based
non-profit, so donations will be tax deductible for US taxpayers. We would
like to thank the GNOME Foundation for their support. 

How to donate?

Follow this link: http://pledgie.com/campaigns/613



Thanks in advance for every $ donated!





Yours, Jakub.


MSN: kubasz at yahoo.com

ICQ: 264595412

AIM: aimcube


Skype: cube_s

Yahoo!IM: kubasz

Xfire: cubibubi


GTalk: cubibubi at googlemail.com

GaduGadu: 11945489

IRC: (Freenode) ``Cube


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