[Tango-artists] Request application logo for grdc

Vic Lee llyzs at 163.com
Sat Aug 29 23:16:00 PDT 2009

Hi Martin,

Thanks for your comments. Actually the page on gnome looks not quite
active... Well, at least I think Bruno A's design is million miles
better than the existing ones :)

I am also thinking to use some kind of "official" icons for those
supported protocols (for example an X logo for XDMCP protocol) so
probably redesign another set of protocol icons are not necessary.

By the way, I really appreciate your intention on helping the web site
and I am waiting for that. :)



On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 21:35 +0200, Martin Lettner wrote:
> @Vic Lee:
> Can you please add your request to the GNOME Art Request Site so it
> can be reached by a wider audience?
> http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/ArtRequests/
> @Bruno A:
> Very nice for a first tango try! But a world globe and computer
> screens are already available in the tango theme or in many tango like
> themes and yours does not really match IMHO. I totally understand it's
> hard work to meet the high quality of tango icons...
> And maybe add your icons to the Art Request Site i mentioned above -
> as soon as it is available - so other people can get inspired and make
> a new try or something...
> @Vic again ;)
> Oh, and if i can find some time i would like to update your website :)
> Kind Regards,
> Martin
> https://launchpad.net/~m.lettner
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