Hi, I'm Matteo Bertozzi of Hybrid Share Project (<a href="http://hybrid-share.sourceforge.net/" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">http://hybrid-share.sourceforge.net</a>).<br>I'm a programmer and not an artist, so the result is a ugly to see application.
<br>I need help and explanations to follow GUI standards, <br>and then the Project needs is own and distinctive logo, <br>and many icons that miss.<br><br>If someone want contribute to the Project, here there is some informations:
<br> <a href="http://hybrid-share.sourceforge.net/contact.php?p=ArtworkContest">http://hybrid-share.sourceforge.net/contact.php?p=ArtworkContest</a><br>and here there's my mail:<br> <a href="mailto:theo.bertozzi@gmail.com">